Detectivio's prototype mounted on a stand, ready to measure vital parameters without body contact. At the armchair, blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter, for heart rate and oxygenation, which are some of the traditional instruments that measure in parallel to compare Detectivio's method against conventional methods.
First clinical study
The first independent clinical study using the Detectivio method has been published in the scientific journal Infectious Diseases. The research findings show promising results for the technology. The study included four vital parameters and was conducted in 2020 in the emergency department at Sahlgrenska Östra Sjukhuset. Professor Ronny Gunnarsson, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, was in charge of the study.
Link to the publication at National Library of Medicine.
To read more about the study, visit, a database of clinical studies conducted around the world, provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
subsequent clinical validation
The next iteration of clinical validation of Detectivio’s technology is a collaboration with the Sahlgrenska Academy and Västra Götalandsregionen. The clinical investigation tests the new clinical-grade prototype with close to 1600 measurements to validate the accuracy and reliability. Aproved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority and Swedish Medical Products Agency, the study started 2022.
To read more about the study, visit