Product & Market


software as a base

Detectivio has developed technology for contact-free detection and quantification of vital signs by scanning the face from a one-meter distance (four feet). The technology's unique potential comes from implementing and adding automatic contactless measurements in situations where it was previously impossible.


first market

Initially, the market addressed by Detectivio will be medical services. For medical professionals, vital signs have long been the basis for assessing health, determining the level of medical urgency, and many diagnostic algorithms. Detectivio's method radically improves life-saving assessments in emergency departments, ambulances, remote medical care, and patient monitoring, as well as health measurements in various situations within healthcare e.g. telemedicine.

Some other situations that will benefit of contactless health measurements are:



Measuring vital signs with Detectivio's technique brings significant improvements:

  • increased patient satisfaction, saving time, and being more comfortable

  • reduced load on the triage resource contributing to shorter waiting times

  • increases patient safety, through prerequisites for a better flow with rapid control of incoming patients

  • eliminates transmission of communicable diseases and reducing the risk of spreading infection

  • replaces several devices, improving and simplifying nurses' working environment

  • removes delay by transmitting data directly into the decision support system

  • reduced risk for unnecessary blood tests